Thursday, October 16, 2008

Second week in Brazil

Fascia, a thin fiberous matrix encasing muscles, bones, organs, and the entire body. 
Cornelia Rossi is holding a pice  of beef teaching us about the different layers of fascia during anatomy class. The first week of school is solid anatomy. We dive deeper into the ideas and scientific research available today. 

                                                               Raining Ropes, 
For the first five days of my arrival it rained non stop. 
This photo was shot at 7 am. I was awaiting Rich on my porch  for our morning yoga. Rich had to walk up the hill in this rain to practice yoga.


Sarah said...

Great Photos Nikki. I hope the sun comes out for you. I will be in Death Valley this coming weekend for a century ride it is suposed to be HOT!!!!. So I hope I finish. Talk to ya later

Louise said...

This all sounds really exciting, Nikki, and hard work too! Great photo's - any of the house you are in?