Monday, October 27, 2008

Learning how to breathe and walk

Oh the beautiful beach. It is quite difficult at times to remain focused on school. But.... I am committed to bettering my education diligently pull my mind away from the beach and back to the class
I have the best instructors in the world, they give us two hour lunches so that we may enjoy paradise. 

Who remembers session 4? If you've forgotten please refer to image to the left! 
This brings new meaning to the phrase "you sleep when you die...."
This lazy skeleton is not learning how to breathe and walk but he is teaching us how to breathe and walk. And I know for sure this plastic set of bones is a man because of the shape of his pelvis. 
The best way to learn something is to teach it to someone else. That is what is going on here. Some of my classmates have set this arrangement up in order to emphasize aspects of session 4. 

Serious faces mean learning how to breathe and walk is not easy. Who thought that adults would need to learn how to breathe and walk? I sure didn't did you? 
In our lifestyle today we use our bodies in completely different ways that it was designed. For example we sit for hours at a time, we walk on perfectly even surfaces, we cover our feet with stiff tight shoes. 
Bringing back the innate ability to breathe and walk resolves many of the accumulitive problems we face today. 

The purpose is to lift the bamboo without efforting. In learning how to breathe and walk we take one movement at a time and play with perception and coordination. This session lasted a little over an hour. We raised the bamboo (not the silly dog) above our heads then brought it back to our lap. 

Reaching or pushing. Some of us are more inclined to reach and others push. Either way if you change the perception and coordination of the movement you change the movement quality. 
Most of the repetitive stress injuries can be resolved by changing perception and coordination. 
To fully understand the dynamic meaning of perception and coordination it is recommended to receive a movement session. 

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Second week in Brazil

Fascia, a thin fiberous matrix encasing muscles, bones, organs, and the entire body. 
Cornelia Rossi is holding a pice  of beef teaching us about the different layers of fascia during anatomy class. The first week of school is solid anatomy. We dive deeper into the ideas and scientific research available today. 

                                                               Raining Ropes, 
For the first five days of my arrival it rained non stop. 
This photo was shot at 7 am. I was awaiting Rich on my porch  for our morning yoga. Rich had to walk up the hill in this rain to practice yoga.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

First week in Brazil

Hi Everyone, 
   I hope you all are doing well. After many attempts at finding an efficient way to share my wonderful experiences with you I have come up with this 
simple solution.... Creating a Blog...
  I am living in 
a small village called Barra Do Sahy. It is located 135 km from Sao Paulo. The village has about 300
 people living here full time.  
   The Rain Forest lines the deck of my small house. It is very humid. For the first five days of my arrival it rained. It was difficult keeping an optomistic outlook.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    In my neighborhood there is a dog that protects the properties, his name is Bamboo pronounced Bombo. I've taught him to sit. He join's me for yoga in the morning. I love this dog! I've tried to speak to Bamboo in Portugise I wanted to tell him to exit the house, instead I told him to hit the highway. This sent my roommate Regina into a laughing frenzy and now it's the local joke.                                                          
                                                                                         I have one on Regina. She tried to describe lifting weights by using the made up word "musculation" in her Brazilian accent after we had a few glasses of wine at a soccer benefit dinner. I'm going to add Musculation to Wikipedia soon.